Carton Box Packs (Used Box)

“Carton Box Packs” are packages that come with a set of similar sized carton boxes. Our boxes are either gently used once, or misprints from large companies that use high-quality boxes. Some of them will have printing on them, some may have tape or packing labels on them, but they are all clean on the inside.

Items within a Moving Kit or Carton Box Pack cannot be changed or replaced.

Free delivery within 3-5 working days with any purchase of Moving Kit or Carton Box Pack.

Sizes avaliable:

  • XXS (20 x 19 x 22cm) – Great for shipping of small items and products
  • XS (36 x 20 x 21cm) – Great for shipping of small items and products
  • Small (37 x 30 x 32cm) – Great for small and heavy items
  • Medium (38 x 37 x 35cm) – Great for glassware, fragile items, books, small and heavy items
  • Large (63 x 32 x 30cm) – Recommended for slightly bigger items
  • XL (63 x 36 x 53cm) – Suitable for bulky and light items, so it is not too heavy to handle once it is filled
  • Archfile Medium (38 x 37 x 35cm) – Fits about 5-6 archfiles
  • Archfile Large (58 x 40 x 30cm) – Fits about 8 archfiles
  • Flat (67 x 48 x 25cm) – Ideal for fitting clothes flat into the box with the hanger on